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Available Technologies

Eliminate paperwork with our QR code technology.

Services for Oil and Gas Companies

  • Track waste from beginning to end with no paperwork

  • Export all shipping data and information with a single click

  • Monitor volumes and shipments live, with data relayed in seconds

  • Supplied QR codes unique to each of your wells

  • Eliminate "GHOST" or lost loads

  • Reduce your exposure to risk knowing exactly where your waste is

  • Track your volumes at your own infield disposals or commercial facilities

  • Eliminate fines from improper manifesting


Services for Trucking Companies

  • Make billing a breeze with all the data you need in a simple CSV file

  • Track waste from beginning to end with no paperwork

  • Export all shipping data and information with a single click

  • Monitor volumes and trucks live with data relayed in seconds

  • Create a shipping ticket in seconds with our user friendly mobile app

Services for Disposal Companies

  • Make billing a breeze with all the data you need in a simple CSV file

  • Know volumes of waste before it arrives

  • Eliminate labor hours by going paperless

  • Generate company or state reports in seconds

  • Export all shipping data and information with a single click

  • Eliminate fines from improper manifesting 

5700 Tennyson Pkwy., Ste. 300, Plano, TX 75024

© 2023 by OFX Technologies

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